VK3RV presents history of Melbourne City Power Supplies to Old Timers Club


Wolfenden wows the crowd yet again! Club member, Peter, VK3RV presented the talk he gave at the Macedon club to the prestigious Old Timers Club at the Caulfield RSL.

The talk was a detailed history with many fascinating stories of the progress of electrification starting in Melbourne and slowly branching out to other suburbs.

It seems that the engineers in Melbourne were up to date with advances around the world and, while starting with DC, had made early preparations for switching to AC to allow for transformers to boost the voltage after resistive losses in transmission.

Members await a sumptuous lunch

One thing that amazed me was that some of the infrastructure was still in place around the CBD until quite recently.

At the end of the talk, Peter was presented with a coveted, limited edition Old Timers’ glass by Jim Gordon, VK3ZKK.

If you’ve held an amateur license for 25 years you are eligible to join. (If less than 25 years you can be an associate).

Lunches are held in Melbourne and include an entertaining and informative speaker.