Meeting report: Metalwork and a visit from the WIA

The June club meeting at Woodend was very well attended. Ralph, VK3ZZC, gave a passionate presentation on successful metalwork for the radio amateur. He gave tips on improving precision and showed a great collection of tools he uses including many he’s made himself.

Ralph made the case that a precision of +- 0.1mm is required for even amateur construction if nuts and bolts are to be used effectively. He talked about only drilling after “bluing” the metal surface, marking with a scribe and then “bashing” with a punch.

A particularly impressive example of what can be achieved is a machine for winding honeycomb coils.

The club was also very pleased to welcome Peter Clee, VK8ZZ, the secretary of the Wireless Institute of Australia who talked about the organisation and took questions about the amateur service in Australia.

After the presentations a group convened to a local cafe for more talk and a tasty lunch.