24GHz, A510 set, home brew AM meeting

A bottler of a show and tell meeting at the club this month.

Craig Norris, VK3CDN, from Icom gave us one of the first demonstrations of the new 24GHz features of the IC-905 (with transverter).

Graeme, VK3CDO, showed a Vietnam era portable military radio set called an A510 which was in beautiful condition. Put beside an IC-905, I think we could tell which radio he’d rather have in damp jungle conditions.

Peter, VK3TPM, showed a home brew antenna hoisting drone and a home brew AM transmitter for 7.125Mhz.

Richard, VK3LRJ (Advanced), showed a tweezer style component tester and a multimeter with a built-in 50Mhz CRO.

John, VK3JCB, brought along some cast bronze parts which he has beautifully machined.